Corporate Social Responsibility

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For us as a firm, CSR is about both making a positive difference in our community, and challenging the way we conduct business to better reflect our commitment to ensuring that our business undertakings are performed as ethically as possible.

We are a forward thinking firm who firmly believe that our business behaviour must be socially responsible, that our business takes account of its wider impact, and also that we aspire to make a positive impact on the community within which we operate.

In 2015 the UN created 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and we have adopted five of these as our foundation to drive our sustainability and environmental agenda. We are identifying and driving key actions that we can all take forward which support our employees, our community and the global effort to become more sustainable.

SE-Solicitor’s core values are reflected in our approach to CSR, ensuring that these beliefs are conveyed directly to our employees, clients and those living and working amongst the places in which we work.

In considering the environment, we:

Include environmental considerations in our purchasing and procurement processes to encourage environmental responsibility amongst our contractors, suppliers and staff;

Ensure that we manage waste through responsible disposal and make arrangements for recycling where possible;

Encourage staff where appropriate, not to print documents, or to print documents double sided;

Are working towards introducing a paperless office;

Will be installing solar panels on one of our building’s to reduce our carbon footprint.


We have put in place a Sustainability Action Group made up of employees from across the firm. This group’s aim is to lead the firm’s sustainable business agenda.

In 2022 the firm set a strong aim with the ambition to work towards becoming a B Corporation in 2032.

Our Employees

It is important that our employees have rewarding careers with good opportunity for progression. We place a huge importance on employing a diverse workforce and ensure equality of opportunity in our recruitment, progression and learning and developmental processes. These values are set out within our Equality and Diversity Policy, Learning and Development Policy and our People Management Procedures.

Working with Communities

We recognise the opportunity to contribute to the local community and our business is willing to consider all of the following activities, should the opportunities to become involved in them arise:

Networking and supporting local business activities;

Local charities – support, fund raising and sponsorship with a particular focus on health and supporting young people;

Sponsorship of local clubs, events, teams.  

Work experience opportunities and Career talks