To save costs, time and complication, it is worth considering pre-legal debt collection as an alternative to going down the legal route. Our debt collection team offers a pre-legal debt recovery service that is designed to collect outstanding debts, without the use of legal action.
Of course, if legal action is required for your debt collection, the team will make a seamless transition into the legal proceedings phase. In the event of legal proceedings proving necessary, we can issue any cross jurisdictional Court claims. Prior to taking any action we will provide you with an estimate of the likely costs for your consideration and approval.
If you agree to this estimate, we will ask for your written agreement for us to proceed with the action. Should we need to engage a third-party agent, you may also be asked for a security payment to be paid to the appointed agent. You will be liable for all of the agent’s costs as well as your own.
On a no-win, no-fee basis, we can offer you a full pre-legal debt collections service. Seeing you and your needs clearly, you can rely on SE-Solicitors to work tirelessly to win your case, without going down the often more expensive and complex legal route.
Why Choose SE-Solicitors
With our belief that relationships really do matter, we’re focused on understanding you and your world more deeply.Expertise
By harnessing our collective skills, knowledge, and depth of expertise, we support you to manage the unique complexity of your personal and commercial interests in a smarter way.Insight
Naturally strategic, we’re able to see the bigger picture, solve problems and realise opportunities more effectively.Agility
Always responsive, with a solutions orientated mindset, we get to the heart of the matter fast, enabling you to reach positive outcomes more quickly.Get in touch
Let us help you navigate the debt collection process, call 0330 0580 250 or fill out the inquiry form to start a conversation with a member of our team.
See our Debt Recovery service for further information.