Today is World Mental Health Day. We believe it is incredibly important to acknowledge the importance of mental health issues, and while today is the day to talk about it, every day is the day to do something about it.
Here at SE-Solicitors we support our employees and their families struggling with their mental health. We have two of our own fully trained mental health first aiders and our Employee wellbeing programme covers topics such as anxiety awareness, the importance of sleep, hobbies and relaxation, the benefits of laughter and social health.
To support Mental Health Day, we are joining other companies in donating £50 to Oxfordshire Mind, helping to fund their vital, ongoing work. This donation can help to fund either a 2-week course for someone to learn how to manage stress, volunteering training for new valuable volunteers, a carers group monthly session or contribute towards funding their Information Line which helps and supports around 10,000 people per year.
Anyone who is struggling with Mental Health issues should reach out to relevant support. Here at SE-Solicitors our employees can also find 24/7 assistance through Metlife’s Wellbeing Hub, with the option of talking to a counsellor.
We also believe it is vitally important that everyone takes time away from their desks during lunch, and we actively promote this by hosting lunchtime activities including yoga, bingo and walking talks. We have also arranged events in the past where volunteers from Oxfordshire Mind come in to give presentations to our team.
Our Social Committee also help organising events such as quiz nights, sailing and bowls tournaments where we can work together as teams and spark some friendly competition.
It is important for everyone to know that they don’t need to struggle alone, they can talk to someone. If you, or anyone you know are struggling with mental health issues, visit the Mental Health Foundation and seek help.