From the 16th of October 2023 to 16th February 2024, the Trainees at SE-Solicitors have been taking part in Katharine House Hospice’s Accumulator Challenge. Katharine House Hospice supports people facing life-limiting illnesses, providing care for around 300 people each week, whether this is in their homes, in care homes, at the hospice or in hospital.
The Challenge
The Trainees were given an initial £50 investment from Katharine House, which they used to raise as much money for the charity as possible within 4 months. The Trainees had to use their creativity, and over the past few months have hosted various events to raise money.
Raising Money Activities
The first event that the Trainees hosted was a Halloween competition, where they bought 20 pumpkins from a local farm and sold them within the firm. The Trainees then held a Halloween bake sale and pumpkin carving competition, where the most creative baking and carving was judged and the winners awarded prizes!
In raising money for charity, the Trainees thought of ways to bring employees together by hosting events such as a breakfast morning and a Christmas jumper day. One particular event that stood out in the firm was a chocolate coin delivery in December, where employees could buy their colleagues a chocolate coin which came with a gift tag, where they could write a personalised message to a colleague of their choice and then the Trainees would deliver the chocolate coin to the intended recipient.
The Big Finale – Snowdon!
The Trainees pushed themselves for the final accumulator event and decided to climb Mount Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales and England.
This was the biggest fund-raising event, with a donation page set up on GoFundMe. The Trainees did the climb over a couple of weekends and were able to complete the climb despite adverse weather conditions.
We are pleased to say that the Trainees have raised an overall total of £1,754.10 from their initial £50 investment. This went towards the grand total raised for Katharine House Hospice by various local businesses taking part in the Accumulator Challenge of £31,018.19.