Did you know it is alcohol awareness week from 3-9 July 2023?

July 5th 2023

Alcohol Change UK is a leading UK alcohol charity which is coordinating Alcohol Awareness week from 3 to 9 July 2023. The purpose is to raise awareness and to get us “thinking about drinking”. In the employment context, alcohol has often been the cause of poor performance and/or disciplinaries. Drinking cultures can also create divisions in the workplace and result in discrimination claims. Alcohol in-take can certainly be linked to mental health well-being.  According to Alcohol Change “More than 25 million adults in England regularly drink alcohol. Statistically, drinkers are more likely to be employed than non-drinkers”. 

So is it time to change our view on the stigma of not drinking alcohol?

Should we have alcohol free work places?

Would you be supportive to staff who have a dependency on alcohol?

Have you got a policy setting out your approach to alcohol at work? 

According to Alcohol Change, lost productivity to the UK economy due to alcohol costs more than £7 billion each year so is something worth thinking about…  


Alcohol Awareness Week is a week of awareness-raising, campaigning for change, and more. This year's Alcohol Awareness Week takes place from 3-9 July 2023.
