We are excited to announce the launch of our new service, Divorce Together. This service provides couples with the unique opportunity to separate amicably, with the use of a joint legal team comprised of a skilled Lawyer Mediator and a highly experienced Consultant Barrister. Divorce Together empowers separating couples, providing them with the information and support to resolve issues and reach an agreement. This can be of particular value if they have children. If couples are for any reason unable to agree, then the service helps to speed up the court process.
Divorce Together is an unparalleled service, completely unique to SE-Solicitors. It’s launch represents a radical development in current divorce processes. While lawyers usually represent and act for an individual, which leads to two sets of legal fees, Divorce Togethers’ shared legal team helps separating couples to save money, as a result of combined fees.
Monicka Rai, our experienced and empathetic Mediator will work alongside couples, acting in a neutral capacity. She will help the separating couple to talk through and work out any issues that may arise throughout the process, helping guide them in a calm and focused way towards an outcome with which both individuals are satisfied.
Our Consultant Barrister, Michael George of 3PB, has over 30 years’ legal experience, and can help navigate couples through the Divorce Together process in the best possible way. He can provide expert legal input and evaluate how the Court might deal with each couple’s unique circumstances.
Patrick Mulcare, Director and Head of the Family Team at SE-Solicitors comments ‘We are delighted to be able to offer this new service to our clients, as it provides them with the opportunity to work together through their separation. With our unique team of a Mediator and Consultant Barrister, we are able to provide the necessary skills and experience required for this service to greatly benefit couples. We will be with you every step of the way, while you save on costs and time, in what can be an already difficult situation.’
Divorce Together provides couples with the same legal information, at the same time. This distinctive new service will not only save couples time and money, but also provides the opportunity for reduced conflict, and can diminish stress by eliminating the need for court. Discover more about this unique service.